Monday, September 10, 2007

Request to the Senate

Please seek approval to pass the following bill..


4-day working week (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)
'Working Week' refers to one's daily grind

1-day midweek i-day (amend day currently known as 'Wednesday' to 'Webday')
To write blogs, update facebook &/ myspace, post on forums & check out the latest funnies on YouTube

2-day weekend (Sat & Sun)
Rest & Relax (ha!)

Also request the following from Mother Nature, in her absence or for lack of authority on such matters.. please make a deal with Global Warming:

Friday pm: fine & warm (perfect beer-drinking weather)
Saturday am: raining (nothing to do except clean the house or read a good book)
Saturday pm: fine & warm (time to hit the beach, dine alfresco or roam the streets with a loved one, whilst eating icecream)
Sunday am: fine but a little cool/ cloudy (laundry & wash the car)
Sunday pm: Fine & warm (a little more of what was done on Saturday arvo plus squeeze in a Sunday sesh)

If the above bill is passed.. maybe I won't be so suicidal on a Monday.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I hate Mondays more than Garfield .. but a little less than you do. :)